<aside> 🤔 “Now” page inspired by https://sive.rs/now

This page also maintained here: https://lavitz.substack.com/p/what-im-up-to-now [out of date, soon]


Screenshot 2024-01-19 at 9.50.12 PM.png

Main Arcs

Emerging from a multi-year long cocoon of self-development and habit reformation

Sculpting my body & mind, connecting with my heart & soul, pursuing purpose

Co-organizing the New Paradigm Navigators and Symposium for Students of Spiritual Science

Building my multidimensional brands Lavitz and Starscape

Writing, speaking, connecting, recording, developing, creating, working

Meta-quest: bridge worlds

Seeking others to discuss the Hard Problems of consciousness & civilization, solving the polycrisis. My thoughts are malleable - I am open source - driven to curate & present the best paths forward. Inspiring, connecting and coordinating humanity one step at a time.

The only way we’re going to save the world is if we all participate.


